
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

When Is The Last Time You Went Bowling?

Its many quite a few years since I last went real, you cannot count Wii Bowling as real bowling although it does provide some decent practice. Over the weekend for a local political fundraiser in Oshkosh I had the chance to do it again and it has awakened an inner-bowler in me.

For a fair price you can bowl a few games and wear those ultra-fabulous bowling shoes. Now unfortunately the bowling alley I was at did not have food for purchase unless you count a couple snack machines, which I don't. Somewhat boggles my mind there wouldn't be food there as I would guess a couple games of bowling would be cause for some french fries or a bowling standard of cheese nuggets!  My next game will definitely be at a more full-service bowling alley.

I also found it interesting, now that I have a child of my own, there are such things as "racks" that allow a little one to place a ball on it, that guides it into the alley. And don't forget the bumpers that you can add, too to avoid those nasty gutter balls!  Speaking on behalf of my 2 1/2 year old daughter nothing could top a game of bowling, unless we are taking her to Wisconsin Dells waterparks, of course.

So if you haven't played a game lately, go ahead and visit your nearest bowling alley. Looks like most prices during Open Bowling are around $7-8 per person, for 2 games and some even include the shoe rental.

Now the only thing I wish I could find is a non-smoking bowling alley...perhaps there are some out there (and I'd love to hear what ones are.)  Even if you have no one smoking near you, the scent is everywhere. I would assume with the Wisconsin Smoking Ban likely beginning in July of this year, that many no longer be an issue.

If you have any recommendations for a great local bowling alley, I'd love to hear them!

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